Behind the name "Dorfpark Osterwick" hides much more than one might suspect at first glance. The park is a charming and eventful meeting place for all generations - with tall trees, a variety of sports and playground facilities, bird aviary, water nature trail, large shelter, cosy seating areas and a public Restroom facilities, also suitable for people with disabilities.


On request, you can use the new shelter - we will open the gates for you. Whether cycling group, Kindergarten, Primary School, neighborhood, club or parent group - a trip to our beautiful Park is worthwhile all year round!


Convince yourself!


Your Heimatverein Osterwick e.V.

Ein Flyer mit allen wichtigen Information zu unserem Dorfpark kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Flyer Dorfpark Osterwick - English.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.6 MB

Citizen Engagement & Promotion

In Rosendahl, the citizens like to take things into their own hands and get involved in their local communities. The essential work on the construction of the shelter and recreation room and the barrier - free design of the main paths was carried out in the Osterwick Village Park by local community members of our heritage association in a civic effort. And so it is not surprising that the European Union provided us with funds from the LEADER funding programme to strengthen rural areas for this committed Village Park project.